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LETTER: Carbon tax just another cash grab

To the Editor…

To the Editor,

Never was the old saying “figures lie and liars figure” truer than it is today when talking about the calculation of greenhouse gases.

Carbon taxes are and have been nothing more than a cash grab by greedy politicians. The GST that everyone fondly thanks the late former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney for enacting is another example. Try to find empirical data beyond dubious equations to measure all these evil greenhouse gases.

Last year, the government released a plan to slash emissions by 40 to 45 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030.

According to a recent report, Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions were 62 million tonnes below 2005 levels in 2021 — a reduction of 8.4 per cent in 16 years.

It doesn’t take a genius to see what’s happening today. People are poorer, unable to pay ever-climbing rents, losing their homes and fighting to feed their families, while property taxes are in the double digits.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is so busy flying around the world he has no comprehension of the pain he and his party are inflicting on the average Canadian.

In Vancouver, you pay more than 60 cents just for taxes on a litre of gas, which is now almost two dollars a litre.

Thomas Gowan,

Port Alberni