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LETTER: Condition of Highway 4 at Cameron Lake 'reprehensible'

Writer says people need to be more vocal if change is going to happen on the highway
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To the Editor,

Am I the only person in the Port Alberni area that thinks the condition of the road around Cameron Lake is reprehensible? I use the word “road” because it surely is not a highway.

My complaints about this road are many: this road was not acceptable before the fire; the condition since the fire would not be accepted as a city alley, never mind a road; it bothers me that no-one is complaining.

City hall seems not to be bothered by this. The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District board seems not to be bothered either. I have not heard if our MP, Gord Johns, accepts this condition.

With an election not far off, maybe it is time we yelled about the road.

In the meantime, the people we pay to run our area, like the mayor and council and the ACRD board should be putting pressure on the government to make our road into a true highway. 

Please write and agree or disagree with me. To say nothing is an acceptance of the way it is.

Ernie Burnett,

Port Alberni