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LETTER: Gardening gloves aren't just a fashion statement

Cat feces is likely the least offensive substance in your garden, says writer
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To the Editor,

As I have worked on the Vancouver waterfront, being one of the first female longshorepersons in B.C., I have extensive knowledge of toxic chemicals; almost 30 years' worth. That knowledge extends to hazardous cargo, fertilizers, grains, lumber, steel, just to name a few.

The man complaining about cat poop in his garden still irks me to the core. The cat poop is probably the healthiest thing in his plants' diet.

Most fertilizers are made from dead animals or fish, or animal excrement. That's why it smells so bad. There is radon gas, arsenic, probably old Roundup and everything people for thousands of years have been putting into the ground.

No one should be digging in the garden with bare hands. That's why we have gloves.

Leslie West,

Port Alberni

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